Posted on 2 December, 2011

3 Ways to Find a New Career

Here are three sure ways to find a new career. With the job market being as competitive as ever, many jobseekers are jumping ship from their current industries. When the tough gets going, sometimes it okay for you to get going as well. A career change can mean a new position within the same industry, a new industry all together or a new career path like entrepreneurship.

Many registered nurses become nurse practitioners. Graduates with degrees in business venture into teaching and laid off writers become bloggers with revenue. There are many many options for those who are willing to try something new. If you see that your current path is not working for you, about to be eliminated or doesn't meet your needs, then you should consider creating a new career guide.

Each of us has dreams, goals, passion, skills and resources. Tapping into those resources can prove rewarding when entering the current job market. The big question on every jobseeker's mind is how to find those jobs once they identify where they want to be. Three ways to find a new career are; through networking, checking online job boards/ newspapers (yes companies still advertise jobs in newspapers) and taking a skill and interest assessment. These assessments often come with a career guide you can use to make contacts and get started.

Networking puts the word out there with family, friends, colleagues, former co-workers/managers and business acquaintances that you're looking for new opportunities. There are usually local networking groups that you can join. These groups provide insights as another form of a career guide. Even if you choose not to join a group, you can sign up to receive emails about jobs fairs and networking events. Rubbing elbows can lead to the right position in the right company.

Another good reason to network is to manage your sanity. If you're currently unemployed, it can be nerve wrecking and depressing. Getting out of the house and mingling with other adults will remind you that life exists outside of your walls. You might also find some comfort in knowing that you are not alone. As human beings we tend to become discouraged about our problems when we feel isolated. You don't have to attend every single event you hear about, but make the effort to get out there and at least follow a career guide.

Online job boards and newspapers are the actual places where you will see jobs posted by employers. Add these sources to your career guide as reliable places to find jobs. Note I did not say available or vacant positions. An unfortunate trend on job boards today involves finding the job you want only to discover it's not vacant or it was posted six months ago. Never-the-less, the job boards and newspapers will provide a decent amount of opportunities.

Your skill set, education, experience and interests should all be considered when devising your career guide. You don't want to get into nursing because that's what the women in your family do, but you hate the sight of blood. Or perhaps you majored in Political Science because your dad wanted a lawyer in the family. We've all heard it before, do something you love. I realize not all of us can do that, but we can get close and we can try.

An assessment will help you determine if you're in the right field. Another factor to consider is compensation. Do you have a wife who refuses to work and you have five kids? That's another story, but you get my point. After a career assessment you might find you're better suited for something totally different that will be more fulfilling and rewarding. A good career guide can change your life for the better.


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