Posted on 2 September, 2011

Some Challenging and Inspiring Careers


Do you like the idea of being challenged every time you turn up for work? There are some brains that are designed to be challenged and learn. If you're one of those people then the ideal job could be one in which constantly confronted with new opportunities, new ideas and new challenges.

Here are some careers that will challenge you each and everyday.


Education is probably one of the best fields those of us a little more curious than the rest. What could be better then sharing your passion for knowledge with young, impressionable minds who will challenge you and force you to rethink everything you take for granted?

Challenging? Without a doubt.

Whether you are teaching preschool toddlers, high school students or undergraduates, Education is certainly a field which will keep feeding your brain.


As science moves forward and we learn more about our bodies, healthcare workers are continually learning and updating our knowledge. Every time a new treatment, drug or illness comes out - you will need to be on the case so that you can treat people effectively.

Talent and a curious nature are definitely at home in healthcare.


As you'd expect, learning new things and technology go hand in hand. As technology develops you will need to be at the cutting edge of the industry so that you can continue to offer your services to companies or individuals. A little curiosity goes a long way in the technology business.


The age old industry of business is definitely one of the most likely places to find new and exciting ventures as companies and individuals try to set themselves apart from the rest. The field of business is continually looking for bright minds and enthusiastic candidates to put themselves forward for a well paid career.

Using your curiosity and inquisitive mind to your advantage can really take you places, ensuring you are on the edge of the next ground breaking discovery. The once annoying childish trait of asking lots of questions is definitely an asset in the industries I've mentioned above as well as a whole host more.

Start out by focusing your energies on training and in a few years, you could be well on your way to a well paid and very satisfying career.


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