Posted on 2 August, 2011
The Changing Meaning of a Career
61There is a distinct difference between a job and a career.? A job is usually pays the employee by the hour and is not for a long term basis.? A career on the other hand, is the epitome of a job and is a skilled trade that the employee has learned and earned recognition for being about to stay in the field for the long term.? Basically the difference in a job and? a career is the time expected to either build on the career or save money on a job and go to college to get a career.? However, with the demographics of the country and the ease with which people travel, careers are getting just as mobile and short term of a regular job.
At one time careers when thought of as the trained job one would begin work after college and then work the 9 to 65 in the learned or trained discipline for a number of years until retirement.? But now with the changing economic coupled with the demographics, the career is become short term just as the job.? The advancement of technolgy and the progressive nature of society as a whole has a lot to do with the rapid transition of employees from employment making careers less likely other than a accumulation of a series of jobs.? A series of jobs is not a career with the exception of staying on course in the employment advances.
For an example, a surgeon can work at several hospitals but can still be considered a surgeon because of the medical training and degrees earned in the field.? The job title of a surgeon denotes that the job is in fact a career with a different base for employment.? Just as a teaching career is still a teaching career regardless of the number of different schools in which hired to teach.? The teacher can say that her career is teaching because of the training and consistency of the type of long term field of employment.? However, the meaning of a career is changing because tried and true professionals are getting degrees in other disciplines and are changing career just as one would change from a job working at McDonald's.
Whether personal preferences, the economy, demographics or technology, careers are as easily changeable as jobs and it is seldom that a person stay? on a particular job for a long term without considering changing the carreer base.? The Generation X of self satisfacation seems to have emerged into the twenty-first century as online courses makes it easier to change careers while working on a career that one would have thought was for the long term without any detours or distractions.??
There still remains a difference between a job and a career even in the light of hourly employers trying to seduce employers by telling them they can make a job a career.? There is a distinct difference between the two and although people are changing careers at a fast past, a job as an hourly employer will not be on the same level as a CEO on Wall Street who has earned a MBA at Harvard while the hourly employer works on the job with a High School diploma.
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