The most valuable asset your possess is your ability to earn a living. You have invested time, money and a significant amount of effort into your career. You have settled into a job that is, at best, comfortable. You often wonder what else you could do. You wonder how much more you could make. You wonder how much earning potential you have. You would love to have a career where you are energized by your work. Your annual review offers anxiety and confusion. After a brief conversation with your boss - one that is filled with phrases that seem to have come from some textbook - you receive your 3% increase. In the year ahead of you (the time period before your next performance review) you can expect more of the same. Sure, you have the potential to be a top performer in your organization. If you work hard and go above and beyond the call of duty you will receive a top performance rating. What does that get you? An additional 1 -2% increase in next year's performance review. It is time to take control of your career. The perfect career is out there and waiting for you. You owe yourself the opportunity to follow your passion, make the money you deserve and have the career of your dreams. There are three big steps that superachievers take on their way to the perfect career. Evaluate Yourself and Your Situation. What are you passionate about? What is your ultimate goal for your career? Who is your competition? What are the points of difference between you and your competition? Your personal situational analysis helps you identify who you are and what you do best. Create Value. The next step is to identify opportunities to create value. If you work in a company, you must create value for the firm. If you are an entrepreneur, you must create value for your customers. You must look for opportunities to do this each and every day. If you current situation does not allow you to do this, you must leave. You need to find an opportunity to be a valuable member of your work environment. Demonstrate the Value that you Create. People must know about your ability to create value. You boss needs to know. Your customers need to know. You have to help them understand what you have done, what you are doing and what you will do. In essence you are doing your own performance review. You are letting people know how valuable you are - rather than waiting for the once- a- year event where your boss reads off some key phrases. Managing your career is hard work. It is probably the most important thing you can do. If you do not take control of your career you will be subject to the never-ending cycle of unproductive performance reviews and less than thrilling salary increases. Take control of your future. Your career is too important to leave in the hands of someone else. |
» Three Steps To A New Career
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