Posted on 3 July, 2011
University Vs Technical College - a career choice
73If you can identify with the view that ?Universities might give the degrees, but it?s life that gives the education?, then your career choice will probably be better enhansed by attending a technical or vocational college rather than a university.
Let me explain.
Vocational or Higher Ed. learning
While both of these educational institutions exist to facilitate learning, they each do so by using an entirely different approach. In large part, universities issue industry memberships in the form of qualifications, whereas technical and vocational qualifications focus more on giving you confidence and competency to sucessfully apply a specific skill-set. These colleges are often called ?Vocational? or are said to be located in the VET sector of education, whereas universities are usually categorized as being in the Higher Ed. sector.
Many industries, particularly the professions like accounting, medicine, architecture and law, all require a university degree as a pre-requisite (membership) to joining their associations. However, there are many other industries, like the trades, Information Technology, health, retail and hospitality, that are far more interested in your ability to confidently and competently perform a task, than what qualification or ?piece of paper? you might have.
So, the choice of whether to go to university or a technical college is pretty much made for you based on the career choice that you wish to pursue. If the focus of your career choice is on joining an association that will open the door to advance your career, then a university course is for you. If not, then a technical education will possibly be far more appropriate and useful for you.
As I have previously explained, if you wish to work in one of the professions or work for the government, then your career would be greatly enhanced by a university qualification, whereas private enterprise generally look for people with the applied skill sets that has been enhanced by the technical college learning approach.
The best of both - from my home state
Learning preference test
As a further assessment, to determine which learning institution is right for you, answer the following ten questions;
"The limits to a classical education are this ? the most important lessons about life are not taught in an institution."?
If you found yourself choosing (1) more than (2), then it is likely that the university option is right for you. If not, go and talk to a representative from a vocational/technical college about how their learning methods can help advance your career.
If you would like to know more about education, particularly the revolution taking place in Open Online Learning and its implications for entrepreneurs, then click the link that will take you to my rather lengthy article on that very topic.
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