The other day, someone asked why I had written so much about jobs, careers, and employment? Well, it's simple, it's one of the hottest topics there is due to our high unemployment figures right now in the midst of the political season. Perhaps, what they meant was; why are you writing so much about jobs when you've never actually had one - a job that is. True enough, I've always been self-employed, however, as an employer I'd say my perspective is perfectly honed to give you a bird's eye view on the information you need to get a better job. Okay so, now that I have your attention, let's talk about this for a few moments.

Luckily for you, this isn't another career advice self-help article, my goal is to help you help yourself and get you into the right frame of mind, as your mindset is paramount to your future career path. It's imperative that you make the right choices today to guide your future career while you are job hunting or considering a change of employment. Now we can sit here and play blame games all day and find critique with college degrees, various industries, and the government politic and intervention.

Still, I believe in simply telling it like it is, and giving you my insight from observation and experience, if that's too much for you, then simply go read someone else's article to help "make you feel good" - this article is about jobs and career paths. Now then, you can sit back and enjoy your unemployment benefits until they run out, no skin off my nose. Nevertheless, I hope you will hear me out on this.

You see, as an employer I looked for people who were "alive" and "turned-on" as if flowing with personality, with agile minds which could think and reason on the fly. That was always more important to me than anything they had carefully crafted on a resume with the help of a friend or perhaps hired service to make them "look good" on paper. People are not one-dimensional and anything written on a resume should be taken with a grain of salt anyway.

One thing I'd always do was ask questions about their job history, and if they constantly made excuses, then so would I - and I'd excuse myself from the interview or make an excuse why I couldn't hire them. At some point people need to learn, and making excuses is a silly way to make your way in the world. Please consider all this and think on it.

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