Posted on 5 August, 2012

Getting Unstuck in Your Career

Lynn Banis

What is happening with your career? Are you on a career path or are you just going from job to job? Maybe you are stuck in a job you don't like and aren't sure how to move forward. Maybe you want to leave but are afraid in this economy. Maybe you don't really know what you want to do with your career. Your career decisions are among the most important decisions you will make in your life. Much of your happiness is wrapped up in your career. Much of your identity is also wrapped up in your career.

There are a lot of issues here. Some are in your control and some are not. Where careers are concerned you need to work with what you have control over. To start with you have control over your attitude, perceptions, values and beliefs. Those things are foundational.

So, given what I wrote above, it is important to first do some introspection. Know yourself and what you want. Be very clear on how you act and react in the workplace to both positive things and negative things. After that you can begin to look at your strengths.

What are you good at? What do you have to offer that the other guy doesn't? Why should a company hire you over that other candidate? Be prepared to articulate the answers to those questions clearly.

Now you can begin to think about your career. Create three very clear visions for yourself: one for three years from now, one for five years from now and one for twenty years from now. Be as thorough as you can be for each of them. Know what you will be doing, seeing, feeling and experiencing in each.

Once you have done that you are ready to brainstorm all of the things that would be a good job fit for you. Don't judge, just brainstorm. When you have done that you can begin to narrow the list down based on your values and beliefs.

After all of that is completed you can being the resume and job search process but no before. Do you homework and get the basics down first so you can be very focus and directed about your job hunt.


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